11 Powerful Women of Silicon Valley's Best 100

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 04 February 2012, 04:16 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: 2011 was a huge year for Silicon Valley with many startups and many IPO's. Business Insider compiled a list of 100 powerful persons of Silicon Valley last year.

Here is the list of 11 powerful women who made it to the best 100.

11) Sukhinder Singh Cassidy

# Ranked 93 in Silicon Valley's Best 100

Chairman and Founder, Joyus.com

This former Google exec founded Joyus, a startup which was launched as world’s first video commerce experience, for online shoppers.




10) Mariam Naficy

# Ranked 92 in Silicon Valley's Best 100

CEO and Founder, Minted.com

Naficy had earlier founded eve, which she sold for $110 million to Idealab. Now she is back with Minted.com, an e-commerce company that sells budding designers work and she already raised $5 million in 2011.

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