Roster for Most Highly Rated Episodes on TED Talks

David Gallo

David Gallo, an oceanographer appeared in one of the episode to talk about ‘Underwater Astonishments, and helps people realize that there’s so much on the planet Earth that remains secluded and unknown. He exemplifies his idea by bringing out the fact that the world’s highest mountains, the world’s deepest valleys, underwater lakes, underwater waterfalls have all emerged out of the ocean, considering only 3 percent has been explored.

Mary Roach

Freelance writer and humorist turned accidental science journalist, Mary Roach featured in one of the episodes to talk about the most pondered and least understood conundrums that usually intrigue our psyche. This particular episode, she talked on unknown facts about an orgasm, citing funny and interesting real-life examples of people who go through bizarre arousal metabolism. Pamela Paul, New York Times, says “... she takes an entertaining topic and showcases its creepier side. And then she makes the creepy funny.”

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