Pocket FM Survey Reveals Audio Entertainment's Rising Popularity and Shift in Consumer Behavior

Pocket FM Survey Reveals Audio Entertainment's Rising Popularity and Shift in Consumer Behavior
Pocket FM, the audio OTT platform, has released the findings of its comprehensive entertainment consumption survey titled “Digital Entertainment Insights: The Revival of Audio Entertainment.” The survey highlights a remarkable shift in consumer preferences towards audio content, with users now spending more time on audio than video. The emergence of audio series as the most consumed category has stimulated binge-listening behavior and transformed audio entertainment into mainstream entertainment.
According to the survey, audio series has become the preferred audio content format, accounting for 41% of overall consumption, followed by music (29%), audiobooks (20%), and podcasts (10%). The captivating nature of serialised audio fiction stories in audio series has captivated listeners, with users spending an average of 140 minutes daily on audio seriessurpassing the time spent on music, audiobooks, and podcasts.
Shubh Bansal, VP Growth at Pocket FM, expressed his thoughts on the survey’s findings, stating, “The survey findings reveal a compelling shift in consumer behavior, with audio content surpassing video in terms of daily engagement. It is evident that audio series has become the preferred choice, stimulating binge-listening habits among listeners. As the digital world grapples with screen fatigue, the upsurge in audio entertainment is no surprise.”
The survey also unveiled interesting insights into audio consumption habits. Contrary to popular belief that audio content is mainly consumed during commutes, people engage with audio across various daily activities. Cooking (23%), household chores (12%), work hours (25%), commuting (16%), and fitness activities (15%) are among the activities where audio is listened to. Additionally, 33% of respondents highlighted audio as a means to relax and unwind.