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Arundhati Roy: When it comes to Indian authors how someone can forget the legendry Indian novelist Arundhati Roy. She is famously known for her bold writings. She is the author of a famous novel The God Of Small Things’ for which she was entitled to the ‘Man Booker Prize’.

Roy’s experimental style in the novel irked many critics but it has been hailed for its innovation and playful language. Her writing style inspired to indulge into the story with its ability to enhance the interest of its readers.

Shobha De: An eminent Indian Novelist Shobha Dey, often known as India’s Jackie Collins is well recognized for her depiction of socialites in her works of fictions. The writer, columnist and a social worker De is known for her outspoken view which makes her one of the most respected opinion shapers of India.

She expresses varied issues and happenings in the society in her writings, which reflect her dedication in creating a positive society.

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