Direct Brain-To-Brain Connection Established Between Humans

Using this setup, one person can send a command to move the hand of the other by simply thinking about that hand movement.

The study involved three pairs of participants. Each pair included a sender and a receiver with different roles and constraints.

They sat in separate buildings on campus about a half mile apart and were unable to interact with each other in any way - except for the link between their brains.

Each sender was in front of a computer game in which he or she had to defend a city by firing a cannon and intercepting rockets launched by a pirate ship.

But because the senders could not physically interact with the game, the only way they could defend the city was by thinking about moving their hand to fire the cannon.

Across campus, each receiver sat wearing headphones in a dark room - with no ability to see the computer game - with the right hand positioned over the only touch-pad that could actually fire the cannon.

If the brain-to-brain interface was successful, the receiver's hand would twitch, pressing the touch-pad and firing the cannon that was displayed on the sender's computer screen across campus.

Researchers found that accuracy varied among the pairs, ranging from 25 to 83 per cent. Misses mostly were due to a sender failing to accurately execute the thought to send the "fire" command.

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Source: PTI