Big B Gets Social Media Person Of The Year Award

MUMBAI: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, an active blogger and user of different social networks, has been named the Social Media Person of the Year, by the Internet and Mobile Association of India.

The event is still due to happen in the capital, but since Big B won’t be able to make it there, he was honoured in advance by a representative of the body. He received the award in Mumbai.

“There is an association of social media for India the IAMAI...and they reward me with the ‘Social Media Person of the Year’ award and it is time really to reward the EF for this... you are the ones that have made it possible for me to be given this recognition,” the 72-year-old posted on his blog.

"The ceremony is in Delhi, and since I cannot be there, they came over to present it to me and play a video of it at the function to be held in a few days," he added

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Source: IANS