8 Splendid Waterfalls To Watch During Monsoon Season

Thalaiyar Falls:

Thalaiyar Falls in Plani Hills of Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, also known as the Rat Tail Falls is the highest waterfall in Tamil Nadu and the third highest waterfalls in India with an altitude of 975 ft tall. One can have a spectacular view from DAMDAM view point which is three km far the waterfall --- and across the valley the waterfall come into views as a white strip gushing down from the peak which appears like a rat’s tail.

Elephant Falls:

Elephant Falls in Shillong, got its name from British as there was a rock underneath the fall which resembled an elephant. Local Khasi community refers it as ‘Ka Kshaid Lai Pateng Khohsiew' which means ‘three steps waterfalls.’ The special part of Elephant Falls is that it is two-tier waterfall set in a deep wooded valley of the rocks.

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