10 Themed Cafes In India That Pay Homage To Legendary Musicians

Dylan's Cafe - Manali, Himachal Pradesh

“How many times must a man look up

Before he can see the sky?”-  Bob Dylan

 The innovative idea was planted by Jesse Goldbatt, Eric Schuer and Rajan Dylan Nalwa; however it was Eric who put up the portrait of Bob Dylan on the wall of the café. This place is all about recreation and leisure time. Apart from the entertainment and delicacies this place is also a sanctuary for travelling artists from around the world.

Cafe Hendrix - Guwahati, Assam

“If I seem free… it’s because I’m always running”- Jimi Hendrix

The first of its kind— ‘blues café, was dedicated in simple intentions to the legendary Jimi Hendrix himself.  The visionary of which was to stage aspiring musicians across North-East India. Alongside their exquisite taste in music and energy they also house some of the finest wines.

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