10 Most Influential People Who Never Walked The Earth

Tooth fairy



As the folklore goes... when a child lost his tooth or milk teeth, the right thing to do was to place the tooth underneath his pillow or in a glass of water and while the child lay asleep in bed the tooth fairy would visit  and replace the lost tooth with a small payment in coins.

However in reality the parents were likely to replace the tooth before the wake of the child.


Peter Pan



The mythology of a mischievous boy who flies with the help of pixie dust and never grows up is a never ending childhood fable that filled our dreams with adventures alongside Peter and the ‘Lost Boys’ on the small island of Neverland. Thereby, in hoping beyond hope windows were kept open just in case Peter was in the neighborhood.

However on the grim side of story, Peter Pan is known as the ‘Angle of Death’ who acted as a guide during the transition periods in humans’ lives or rather an angel who held kids’ hands on their way to heaven. It is for this reason that Peter lived with fairies and never grew up.

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