Protein knocks out HIV by Starving it of Raw Materials

A protein knocks out the most virulent form of HIV by starving it of the raw materials it needs to reproduce, in order to protect out immune cells,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

A German Village where Every House has a Cancer Patient

A village in Germany has left health experts baffled as almost every household there has a resident suffering from cancer, a media report said Monday.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

370-kg Briton is Possibly World's Heaviest Man

A 42-year-old Briton who eats hot dogs and ham for breakfast, chocolate bars for lunch, and sausages and chips for dinner weighs an astounding 370...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

Junk Food Saves Teen's Life from Fatal Liver Disease

A teenager who gorged on chocolates and junk food is on the road to recovery from a dreaded liver disease that could have killed her, says a report.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

Overeating May Double Risk of Memory Loss

Overeating is likely to double the risk of memory loss, or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), among people aged 70 years and older, a study reveals.`

Puffing Could Expose your kid to Leukaemia

Polio Funds Get a Boost in India: Rotary International

Eggs That Bounce Like Rubber Hit China Markets

Karnataka to Provide Indian Medicine at Hospitals

Ayurveda Treatment Goes Hi-tech

With ayurveda becoming a hit among foreign tourists, the ancient Indian system of medicine has gone hi-tech with a new machine

Gene Therapy Boosts Cell Repair in Brain Disorders

Briton Becomes Country's First Male to Give Birth

Karnataka to Set up Yoga and Naturopathy Council