Tumeric derivative found promising in tendinitis

A derivative of turmeric, the spice used in Indian preparations, has shown promise in treating sufferers of tendinitis, a painful condition.

Thursday, 11 August 2011, 17:42 IST

Top 5 healthy diet tips for women

Here are some tips for women to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, healthy diet.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011, 22:46 IST

Lifting weights can help smokers kick habit

Weightlifting can be a simple and effective method to beat the smoking habit.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011, 21:49 IST

Exercise protects you from forgetting things

Getting older by the day and you feel you're forgetting things? A bit of muscle flexing could help you, says a new research.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011, 21:48 IST

Baker's yeast protects against fatal diseases

Simple baker's yeast can keep at bay fatal fungal infection like aspergillosis which can cause kidney and liver failure, says a new study.

Buying herbal products can be harmful

12 Low Cholesterol Grocery Items for your Cart

Babies lying on mom's tummy can stave off obesity later

Now, a CT scanner that reduces cancer risk

Exercise can cut risk of cancer returning

Regular exercise can cut by 40 percent the risk of cancer returning, say experts. Breast cancer patients who work out have more than a 40 percent lower risk of dying while prostate cancer patients 30 percent.

Why you recognise someone, but can't name him

New test detects kidney disorder early

New antibiotic to treat adulterated food