Why More Beauty E-Commerce Creators Use Wholesale Essential Oils

Why More Beauty E-Commerce Creators Use Wholesale Essential Oils

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that there is a necessity for more consideration into alternative revenue streams that isn’t so out of the ordinary. In the lockdown and subsequent reopening of the world, there has been a steady increase in the number of e-commerce retailers and amateur beauticians looking to make their mark in the beauty game by learning how to create and craft their own lines of beauty products with the help of wholesale essential oils. The main takeaway a lot of first timers have is that it’s not quite as hard as they anticipated, with the notion and supposed process of creating beauty products residing in the realm of scientists in white cloaks – thanks in no small part to commercials espousing it.

The amount of inspiring how-to videos that are all over the internet tells a very different story, it seems with a little practice and some patience for experimentation, it’s quite easy and fun to get into the realm of creating and making a little side money for your household and have a beautifully smelling product as the result.

Today, we’re going to explore a little about why so many people are jumping on the wholesale essential oils bandwagon, what makes the extracts so well-received and tailor-made for beauty products, and a little more about why it’s better to buy in bulk if you’re looking to get into the world yourself.

A Quick Guide To The Extracts Themselves

When you think of wholesale essential oils, the chances are that you imagine some magical juicing machine that works more like a juicer than the reality. When you consider the notion of a natural extract, your mind may leap to the famous ones like Lavender, Sandalwood or Peppermint – these are small drops in a very large catalogue of what mother nature has on offer for those willing to look. We will not be listing all of them here of course, but, there are some pretty surprising ones that reside in the hidden crevices of the natural world.

The concept of wholesale essential oils is surprisingly simple aswell, it’s more or less the purest essence of a plant or natural source, typically distilled into a liquid, powder, or gel.Containing the scent profile or beneficial elements of the plant or source itself. This is then commonly introduced and blended in with a variety of products with some being able to be consumed, while others work better in diffusers to freshen and add some natural fragrance to a space, others are added to boost the profile, scent or sensation of creams and beauty products.

The method in which these marvellous extracts are cultivated is also depending entirely on the plant matter you’re extracting from. The most common is through steam distillation, however, for some examples of plant matter, there is a necessity for less heat-intensive methods to ensure that the extract is not hindered, which is an occasional byproduct of a heat-intensive method.

Why Wholesale Essential Oils?

So, we now have a small clue regarding what an extract is, now it's time to get into why wholesale essential oils are the best method forward for those crafting their own beauty products, or those who are even looking into experimentation.

First things first, buying wholesale essential oils are usually more effective on the wallet, as buying in bulk is typically the best way to save money for any budding business or entrepreneur looking to ensure they have the highest degree of value for their limited spending bubble. This is also applicable for those who are running a small beauty care range from their own basement, most of the better companies offering wholesale essential oils will have a robust delivery system to bring the supplies straight to the door. This is especially advantageous when considering the majority of the world is still in a state of lockdown in some form or another, many finding it difficult to buy wholesale essential oils they’d typically have to travel to gather.

The benefits of wholesale essential oils extend far beyond the simple price premise. As we mentioned earlier, having a larger amount of your newfound beauty supplies allows you no end of experimentation. ‘Trial and error’ is a major factor of the home beauty game, with precision in terms of the amount of different wholesale essential oils being an underlying difference between success and something that needs a little more work.

A lot of wholesale essential oils suppliers will also typically have a robust knowledge of the industry and offer some degree of assistance in terms of deciding which wholesale essential oils will work best for your intended purpose. They’ll certainly want the patronage of repeat customers, so therefore they’d logically be offering the best possible advice to garner repeat business. This is especially advantageous for those who are just starting out and looking for that extra boost in their underlying knowledge – who knows, they may give you that piece of advice on wholesale essential oils that sparks a brand-new product line.

The Advantages Of Wholesale Essential Oils For E-Commerce & Beyond

So, we have the ‘why’ of it all, now comes the advantages of using wholesale essential oils for the home beauty game, especially the unexpected twists and caveats.

Bring A Little Organic To Your Community

It’s certainly one of the more popular trends emerging from recent years, the notion of organic and beauty products espousing the sustainable logos and claims taking over the market from the traditional brands. Even traditional beauty brands have started jumping on the organic and natural bandwagons. With wholesale essential oils in the mix for some impressively successful e-commerce beauty creators, they’re well and truly ahead of the game and enhance the communities they sell to.

Excess Stock Is Never Wasted

There is a delicate flexibility when it comes to wholesale essential oils and their shelf lives. While many have a decent enough time before losing some degree of potency, when you’re buying bulk it can be a little overwhelming and worrying to think of how you can use it all in time. Well, worry no longer – the greatest advantage to wholesale essential oils is in the wonderfully wide variety of ways to use them. With certain wholesale essential oils like lavender having no end of usability in almost anything you can think of, enhancing the fragrance of a room with a trusty diffuser, to incorporating it into a topical treatment on the skin. There is always something to be done with the excess stock, however, if your business takes off like so many have already, we’re doubtful you’ll be having this issue in the first place.

A Lucrative Market

As we said, wholesale essential oils and infused beauty products are on the rise. Especially in the capacity and consideration of being homemade and organically sourced. There’s definitely a case for the adage ‘everything old is new again’, the old methods of creating our beauty and home-grown skincare regimes is laudable to see in a world of mass manufacturing. As such, the potential revenue being gained by e-commerce beauty crafters and their wholesale essential oils is exponentially growing by the year.

So, it seems having a good and wholesome product, a nice design and some wholesale essential oils could be your next ticket forward.