Unlocking the Benefits of ABHA: Your Guide to Ayushman Bharat's Digital Health ID

Unlocking the Benefits of ABHA: Your Guide to Ayushman Bharat's Digital Health ID

Ayushman Bharat scheme has launched a healthcare solution for Indian citizens to maintain their health records through an identification number, named ABHA ID. This health ID card comes with a range of benefits, simplifying and digitalising access to healthcare services and minimising hassles for individuals.

In this article, you will get to know about the ABHA health ID card and its benefits in detail.

What is an ABHA ID Card?

ABHA or Ayushman Bharat Health Account ID card is a digital health ID with a 14-digit unique number. Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) manages this card which is an initiative taken by the National Health Authority to digitise the country’s healthcare system.

This health card creates a trustable identity offering numerous services. This includes easy sign-up options for health record-keeping apps like ABDM, ABHA, and linking with government and private health schemes, etc.

Following are some important things to note about ABHA ID:

  • People can create an alias or ABHA address like an email ID with a password. This is a self-declared username to sign in to the Health Locker.
  • One can create the PHR (Personal Health Record) or ABHA address during their registration along with the ABHA number.
  • A user must remember that one can only access the health records with their consent.
  • One can update and maintain their health records from several healthcare service providers.

What are the Benefits of an ABHA ID Card?

Following are the benefits of getting an ABHA ID card for yourself and your family:

Personal Health Records

ABHA Health ID cards are useful for storing medical records, and receiving and sharing them between healthcare providers or patients as needed. Also, it offers an effortless signup interface for PHR apps. Similarly, you can also keep your records of health insurance using this health ID.

Paperless Treatment and Hospitalisation

Containing crucial health information, this digital health card enables swift and convenient access to treatment history and medical data. From admission and treatment to discharge, you can access paperless hospitalisation and avoid long queues for registration across the country.

Unique Identity

Individuals can create a unique and trustable identity across numerous health-related service providers under the Ayushman Bharat healthcare ecosystem. This will also help doctors improve treatment decisions by seeing patient's medical history and vaccination details.

Accessible AYUSH Healthcare Services

Individuals can receive affordable and high-quality healthcare facilities using an ABHA ID, from public health initiatives to insurance programmes. This includes paperless treatment at some hospitals, both public and private.

Privacy and Security

Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) is designed with robust security measures and encryption protocols. So, this will not leak personal information without your informed consent. You have the control to manage and withdraw consent of access as required. This helps people feel safe while depending on digital healthcare services.

Inclusive Access

This health ID is accessible using smartphones, feature phones etc. All you have to do is carry your unique ID with you. Now, you can finally eliminate the hassle of handling stacks of physical documents.

How to Register for an ABHA ID Card?

You can apply for your Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) ID card in no time using the ACKO app. Here is a step-by-step guide to registering for an ABHA ID:

Step 1: Download the ACKO app and login with your phone number. Then tap “Discover” > “Set up ABHA”

Step 2: Enter your Aadhaar number and verify with an OTP.

Step 3: Add a family member through the ‘add’ button and select his/her name and verify their Aadhaar number.

Step 4: Click on ‘Get ABHA Card’.  

Is Health Insurance Necessary Despite Having an ABHA ID?

ABHA is a unique identification number that enables individuals to consolidate their health records from various hospitals and programs. It also permits private healthcare providers to link records which enables the compilation of a comprehensive longitudinal medical history.

Whereas, comprehensive health insurance plans provide lifetime coverage for hospitalizations, including treatment for severe illnesses.

The Bottom Line

The ABHA ID card is here to transform healthcare access in India, offering streamlined record-keeping and convenient treatment access. While it provides benefits like cashless hospitalisation, it does not replace the need for comprehensive health insurance. Both are essential for complete coverage and a more efficient healthcare system.

To go through the easy process of purchasing a health insurance plan for yourself or your family, contact ACKO today.