The Most Underrated Cities In The World

6. Lisbon, Portugal

When it comes to European cities, tourists usually look to Paris or Rome Or London or Amsterdam. But even Lisbon too deserves a look in. The capital of Portugal, Lisbon has experienced a revival in recent years, with a contemporary culture that is alive and thriving and making its mark in today's Europe.

It is located at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, and so is one of the rare Western European cities that face the ocean. Lisbon is known to enchant its travelers with its white bleached limestone buildings, intimate alleyways, and an easy going charm that makes it a popular year round destination.

7. Glasgow, Scotland

Travelers who make the journey north from England most often head to the Scottish capital Edinburgh. But even in Glasgow there is a lot more here. However, it has arguably the best music scene in Britain with scores of clubs and concert halls, including the much raved-about Barrow land Ballroom, which hosts all sorts of acts like large, cool and up-and-coming.

The city is situated on the River Clyde in the country's west central lowlands. Glasgow grew from a hamlet on the River Clyde to become one of the largest seaports in Britain.