The IAS Officer Who Blew the Whistle on Vadra's DLF Deal

Bangalore: Ashok Khemka widely known as 'Haryana's most shoved about civil servant' was the one who blew the whistle on Vadra’s DLF deal. Khemka the IIT topper hails from a middle class family where his father Shanker Lal Khemka worked as an accountant in the Alliance Jute Mill. This down to earth man has preferred staying in a two bedroom apartment with his family in Chandigarh, despite the allotment of a big bungalow after being promoted to higher rank. He has gone through many ups and downs including warning phone calls soon after he stepped into the Vadra-DLF transaction on October 14th, as reported by Asit Jolly for India Today.

47-year-old, Khemka says "We (civil servants) are all part of the sarkar. Prime Ministers and chief ministers are not our masters but jan sevaks (public servants) like the rest of us. But we begin treating these people like kings and queens who must be followed unquestioningly," as reported by

Besides, the Khemka family gets no security in spite of threats, and P.K. Chaudhary, the Chief Secretary of Haryana ignored the whole security issue requested by Khemka for his family.

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