Ten Most Corrupt Countries In The World

# Sudan

Even setting aside the fact that Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese President, has been prosecuted for genocide and war crimes by the International Criminal Court, corruption runs rampant in Sudan. There is a major lack in transparency from its government officials. Last year, when the China National Petroleum Company released a statement on the amount of petroleum it extracted from Sudanese oilfields. Global witness found that there was a divergence of 370 million dollars from the royalties reported by the government. It is safe to assume that none of the money reached the poor.

# Turkmenistan

“Corruption is pervasive” in this resource-rich nation, says the State Dept., with power concentrated in the hands of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The government controls most sectors of the economy including Turkmenistan’s vast natural gas reserves, which make the country the second-largest gas exporter in the former Soviet Union after Russia. Oil and gas surpluses are supposedly stored in a Stabilization Fund although Global Witness reports "there is no evidence, other than the president's word, that such a fund exists."

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