Tagore's Philosophy Will Now Help Students in UK


Bangalore: The King's College, which is UK's primary and London's main multi-cultural educational institution, has set up the archetype Tagore Centre for Global Thought that will "initiate a global dialogue between India's intellectual traditions and ideas and how it can answer global questions and dilemmas,"  reported Kounteya Sinha for TNN. The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore will now help out students in UK manage present day challenges.

The Centre was established to honor the nobel laureate's 150th birth anniversary and will see some of India's best known scholars like Tapati Guha-Thakurta, Romila Thapar, Gopal Gandhi and Tansen Sen deliver lectures to encourage the spirit of Tagore's insights across the world. The centre was formed as a result of an agreement between King's India Institute and India's culture ministry.

Sunil Khilnani, director of King's India Institute said it will also host a biennial Tagore distinguished lecture series, the first of which will be given by Rahul Mehrotra, one of India's leading urban historians.

He said "We will host short-term Tagore fellows (Gopal Gandhi will be our first). We have two scholarships for young researchers from India to come here and do their PhD on aspects of modern Indian intellectual history. We also offer to host for one term annually two exchange PhD students from India working in this field," as reported by TOI.

The main aim for the Centre will be to develop the spirit epitomized in Tagore's long engagement with ideas and culture from across the world.

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