Prominent Personalities Who Were Once Refugees

4. Alek Wek:

The life of Alek Wek, one of the most sought-after models for the runways, wasn't always filled with designer labels and star-studded galas. To escape a brutal civil war, Wek's family fled southern Sudan for the U.K. when she was just 14. Later, she became the first African model to grace the cover of Elle Magazine. Being a refugee herself, she is helping to raise awareness about the situation in Sudan, as well as the plight of refugees worldwide. Wek is a member of the U.S. Committee for Refugees' Advisory Council.

5. Henry Kissinger:

Henry Kissinger, a prominent figure in American politics, was German by birth. It was in the year 1938 when he landed in New York after fleeing from the Nazi Germany. During his career, Kissinger has served in the U.S. army, attended Harvard University, worked in the government as the National Security Advisor and Head of State for President Nixon. He was a prominent figure who negotiates the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

6. Marlene Dietrich:

Marlene Dietrich, one of the original superstars of the Silver Screen, rose to fame globally as the cabaret singer Lola-Lola in the 1930 film The Blue Angel. She is a refugee who fled Nazi Germany. By continually re-inventing herself, professionally and characteristically, Dietrich remained popular throughout her long career. Later, she became a prominent celebrity spokeswoman of the U.S. War bonds. The American Film Institute In 1999, named Dietrich as the ninth-greatest female star of all time.

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