MoveInSync's Recent Report States that Indians Spend Seven Percent of their Day Travelling To and Fro Work

MoveInSync’s Recent Report States that Indians Spend Seven Percent of their day Travelling to and

MoveInSync Technology solutions, one of India’s largest office commute platforms, released a report titled ‘Travel Time Report Q1 2019 vs Q1 2018’ for six key cities of India i.e. Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune, Mumbai and Delhi NCR. The report highlights the fact that an average Indian spends seven percent of their day in commuting to office averaging less than three minutes per kilometer.

Comparing Q1 2018 & Q1 2019, there was a decrease in the average one-way distance travelled by an office commuter in Bangalore 12 percent, Delhi-NCR 12 percent Mumbai 11 percent and Pune six percent. Chennai saw an increase of 12 percent in the average one-way distance travelled with a corresponding eight percent increase in average commute time. Report infers that office commuters in Bengaluru, Delhi-NCR, Mumbai and Pune travelled shorter distance in 2019. The average speed or km/hr in all cities, except Chennai, decreased substantially due to congestion as compared to the previous year. Globally, the time spent by Indians in daily office commute is the highest in the world, with more than two hours on the road every day. In India, the average travel speed across six cities indicates that India’s IT corridor inches at 24.6 km/hr or two minutes and 26 seconds to cover a distance of one kilometer.

Commenting on the release of the report, Deepesh Agarwal, Co-Founder & CEO, says, “In this report, we see that the average commute time has either increased or remained the same even if there has been a reduction in the average distance travelled to work. This can only be attributed to one thing and that is traffic congestion. A long commute time also hampers the productivity of an employee and as NITI AYOG has stated, the economic loss of congestion for India’s top four metros is estimated at $22 billion annually. The Governments at both the National and State level have taken initiatives to strengthen the urban infrastructure and public transport system to address the twin challenges of pollution and congestion. However, it is also in the interest of each one of us to take initiatives at our level or at an organizations’ level. From this report, we can see that an employee can save between 25 to 50 minutes a day by altering his or her office timing”.

Report also states that, Monday is the worst day of the week in all six cities to travel. Tuesday is the fastest in Bengaluru, Wednesday in Mumbai and Pune, Thursday in Delhi-NCR and Friday in Chennai and Hyderabad. Also, the worst time to commute to work is 9am in five cities and 8am in Delhi-NCR and  the worst time to commute back home is 6pm in Bengaluru, Delhi-NCR, Chennai and Hyderabad with 7pm in Mumbai and Pune. During the festive season, Bengaluru experiences upto 22 percent faster commute time during Ugadi and 14 percent during Diwali and Christmas.  However, Chennai saw the unique trend, during Holi and Christmas the average kilometers travelled fell by 11 percent and 23 percent respectively albeit with longer commute time.

The report will aid companies to understand and strengthen their employee policies to attain a better work-life balance. Along with this, the report will help the government to analyze the travel time during office hours and he incidental impact on transport and development.

Headquartered in Bengaluru, MoveInSync serves more than 100 marquee clients including 35 Fortune 500 companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Adobe across 22 cities in India and Sri Lanka. Using MoveInSync, it’s mandatory for every cab driver to follow strict compliance of systems and routes. The algorithms optimize vehicle utilization and routing for the cabs or buses which saves 15 to 20 percent of client’s employee transportation cost, higher employee satisfaction and improved safety and compliance.

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