Most Deserved Executions

Alfred Rosenberg (1946):

Alfred Rosenberg was an intellectually influential member of the Nazi Party. He held several important posts in the Nazi government and is considered one of the main authors of key Nazi ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to "degenerate" modern art. He is also known for his rejection of Christianity, having played an essential role in the development of Positive Christianity, which he intended to be transitional to a new Nazi faith. He was sentenced to death and executed by hanging as a war criminal.

The Nazi Party was responsible for producing more heinous criminals and disturbing crimes than some civilizations produced over centuries. In addition to countless politically motivated killings, aggressive military actions that led to World War II, and experimental procedures on the unwilling, the Nazis methodically murdered six million Jewish citizens across Europe. Alfred was also responsible for the extermination of six million Jews.