Make Election Of UN Secretary-General An Open, Democratic Process: India

Under the system of regional rotation followed since the election of Myanmar's U Thant in 1961, it is a European's turn to follow Asia's Ban. No East European has served in the UN's highest job, which has been held by three from the West, and neither has a woman. Therefore, it is speculated that a woman from East Europe will be a strong candidate next year.

In opening up the process, Mukerji said, "We feel that candidates must be required to present their views to all member-states of the General Assembly" and adequate time should be allowed for formal presentations and interaction with member nations.

Canada, which has been campaigning for over a decade for reforms, also backed establishing a set of core criteria for candidates. Canada's Ambassador Guillermo E Rishchynski said candidates should be given an opportunity to meet with representatives of UN members.

There is growing support within the UN and at the grassroots for reforms broadly reflecting those proposed by India.

An organization, "1 for 7 Billion," which is backed by about 50 non-governmental organisations like Amnesty International, Forum Asia and Avaaz, has launched a grassroots campaign for reforms. Many of its proposals parallel India's and Monday it appealed to concerned citizens around the world to joins its campaign through social media and mass media and by lobbying governments.

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Source: IANS