Live And Let Live: Himachal Court Bans Animal Sacrifice

Maheshwar Singh, the local legislator and chief representative of Lord Raghunath, the Kullu Valley's chief deity who called the 'Jagati Puch', it was unanimously decided to reject the high court ban. He said 266 assembled deities endorsed that the animal sacrifice was part of their age-old custom.

Interestingly, the high court's judgment came on the same day when the Jagati Puch was called Sep 26.

At the Jagati Puch, which is held only in extraordinary situations, the invitation is sent to oracles who speak for the gods - and they publicize what they claim to be divine verdicts.

Petitioner and animal rights activist Sonali Purewal said the practice of animal slaughter is prevalent in Chamunda Devi temple in Kangra, Hadimba Devi temple in Manali, Chamunda Nandi Keshwar Dham in Kangra, Malana in Kullu, Shikari Devi temple in Mandi, Bhima Kali Temple in Sarahan and in Ani and Nirmand in Kullu district, Shillai in Sirmaur district and Chopal in Shimla district.

According to Purewal, who is with the People for Animals NGO, it takes 25 minutes to kill a buffalo. At times, the buffalo runs amuck to save itself. The animals are mercilessly beaten up and chilies are thrown into their eyes.

"Superstitions have no faith in the modern era of reasoning. The animal sacrifice of any species, may be a goat or sheep or a buffalo, cannot be, in our considered view, treated as essential part of religion. It may be religion's practice but definitely not an essential and integral part of religion," the court said.

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Source: IANS