India's MARCOS Among World's Best Special Forces

GIGN7. GIGN—France

France’s National Gendarmerie Intervention Group is trained to perform counter-terrorist and hostage rescue missions not just in France but anywhere in the world. The French don’t need to learn such tactics from any as they inherit such strong military tricks.

The commandos are trained and are prepared to face any possible extremely violent attacks in the future. It is a permanent force of men trained and equipped to swiftly respond to any kind of threats.

 SSG6. SSG—Pakistan

Well if India has a force to combat the external threats from hostile nations, Pakistan ought to have one too. Special Services Group, the SSG is the special force of the Pak Army. The SSG Commandos are popularly known as the ‘Black Storks’ the name comes from their unique headgear.

Apparently a former Russian President once said that if he had the Pakistan Army and the Russian weapons he could rule the world. That’s how strong their army is. The Black Storks are known for their bravery.

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