India's first space mission, 'Gaganyaan' will be led by ISRO Ahmedabad

India's first space mission, 'Gaganyaan' will be led by ISRO Ahmedabad
In a significant development for India's ambitious Gaganyaan mission, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in Ahmedabad is poised to assume a crucial role. This mission, with the goal of sending astronauts into space, is now taking shape, and Ahmedabad is at the heart of its key developments. While the construction of the rocket itself is happening elsewhere, the internal systems crucial to the Gaganyaan mission will be meticulously crafted in Ahmedabad. Specifically, ISRO's Ahmedabad facility will be tasked with the construction of two vital systems: the cabin systems and the communication systems.
The cabin, a pivotal component, will accommodate three seats for astronauts. Inside, a lighting system and two display screens will facilitate the monitoring of various parameters essential for the mission's success. Notably, the cabin will boast advanced camera sensors designed to track oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, ensuring the astronauts' safety and well-being throughout their journey. Moreover, a fire extinguisher will be on hand to address any potential emergencies that may arise during the mission.
To ensure seamless communication during the mission, ISRO has devised plans to launch two communication satellites into Geostationary Orbit before the Gaganyaan's much-anticipated liftoff. These satellites will maintain continuous connectivity, enabling constant communication between the Gaganyaan spacecraft and mission control on the ground. This connectivity will facilitate internet access, provide cabin-wide camera coverage, and offer two TV monitors to keep astronauts informed and connected.
Nilesh Desai, the Director of the Space Applications Center (SAC) at ISRO Ahmedabad, unveiled another crucial milestone. A test vehicle, named Test Vehicle D1 (TV D1), is scheduled for launch by the end of October. Desai explained that "Test vehicle D1 (TV D1) will be launched by the end of October; it will be similar to a test flight of Gaganyaan in that only a crew module and a cabin where astronauts can travel will be present. It will be promulgated, launched into space, and from there, the crew escape sequence will be tested. When a problem with getting the crew off the ground or from the water develops, the Crew Escape System (CES) is designing an escape route."
This test vehicle will serve as a precursor to the Gaganyaan mission, featuring a crew module where astronauts will travel. Its primary objective is to rigorously test the crew escape sequence, a critical component to ensure astronaut safety in the face of any unforeseen contingencies. Gaganyaan marks a monumental milestone in India's space endeavors as it represents the country's first manned space mission. The mission's ultimate aim is to propel three astronauts into an orbit situated 400 kilometers above the Earth's surface, solidifying India's position as a formidable player in the realm of space exploration.