India's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives

Bangalore: Crime and terrorism are the major threat to international peace and security. Such threats create spine chilling fear among people around the world and bring economic destruction, social disruption and deaths of tens and thousands. The 9/11 and 26/11 are the live examples. But these terror attacks are the creation of some criminal masterminds who choose violence over peace and devastation over preservation. So, let take a glimpse of such masterminds who are now in the most wanted list, as compiled by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).

1. Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar:
 Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, the most wanted man in India heads up a 5,000-strong organized crime network called the D-Company that is involved in everything from drugs trafficking to contract killing in Pakistan, India and the UAE. He is currently on the Interpol wanted list for organized crime and counterfeiting, besides association with al-Qaida. According to media reports, Ibrahim uses the same smuggling routes as al-Qaida and has worked with both the mother organization and its offshoot Lashkar-e-Taiba, responsible for the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. He is also suspected in the 1993 Mumbai bombings that killed 257 people and wounded 713.

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