Indian firms lead in intending to hire first-time jobseeker

Indian firms lead in intending to hire first-time jobseeker

India companies did better than global ones between July and December 2022 in intending to hire "freshers"--people applying for their first jobs. Compared to 11 percent globally, 59 percent of firms in India Inc showed intent to hire freshers. That is a 12 percent increase over the first half of 2022. The intent to hire freshers in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region was 20 percent, followed by the USA at 15 percent and West Asia at 6 percent, said the "Career Outlook Report" by education solutions company TeamLease Edtech.

Hiring intent for all jobseekers in India—freshers or people with experience—increased from 50 percent in the first half of this calendar year to 61 percent in the second. The report is based on a survey of 865 small, medium, and large enterprises in India's manufacturing, services, and technology sectors. Information Technology (IT), e-commerce and technology start-ups, and telecommunications were the most promising sectors for freshers, with 65 percent, 48 percent, and 47 percent of employers showing intent to hire. The report said that in FY23, the IT sector is expected to hire 100,000 freshers to meet the rising demand despite fears of recession and slowdown.

 "Freshers are the more cost-effective option for startups and businesses with limited resources. Being Digital natives, the youth of today are familiar with social media and how technology can be leveraged to produce something better, quicker, and more efficiently," said Neeti Sharma, co-founder, and president of TeamLease EdTech.The report highlighted that employers are demanding the freshers possess certain skills for them to be employable."With India Inc's surge in freshers hiring, it's important to understand the key skills and knowledge employers are looking for. As the trend is expected to continue, it's crucial for freshers to invest in the right domain skills and experience to land their 'dream job'," said Shantanu Rooj, founder and chief executive officer of TeamLease Edtech.

Blockchain, biotechnology, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and business analytics were education skills that improve employability. "Students must develop domain skills that are in demand, as these skills provide the ability to thrive in a unique domain environment once they begin their professional journey. These skills give them the confidence to make sound judgments and swift decisions while empowering them to deal with complex business situations," said Manjula Chaudhary, dean of Academic Affairs at Kurukshetra University. Bengaluru topped the list of cities with the highest intent to hire freshers: as many as 68 percent of companies there wanted such people. The southern city was followed by 50 percent in Mumbai and 45 percent in Delhi.