India and Sri Lanka Accelerate Projects for Enhanced Relations

India and Sri Lanka Accelerate Projects for Enhanced Relations
Santosh Jha, India's High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, held discussions with Sri Lankan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Sabry, where both parties mutually decided to accelerate multiple projects aimed at enhancing the positive trajectory of the India-Sri Lanka partnership. Sharing on X, Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Santosh Jha stated, "Very pleased and honoured to have my first call on Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka HE @alisabrypcNoted the extraordinary warmth in India-Sri Lanka ties and agreed that expeditious action on various projects is important to keep the strong positive momentum in our partnership". Santosh Jha held a meeting with Sri Lankan Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Sabry and discussed ways and means to further enhance bilateral cooperation.
In a post shared on X, Sabry said, "Pleased to have received the newly appointed High Commissioner of India to SriLanka Santosh Jha this morning. Recalling deep-rooted civilizational links between Sri Lanka and India, we discussed ways & means to further enhance our bilateral cooperation during his tenure". Recently, Santosh Jha called on Sri Lankan Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena. During the meeting, the two leaders discussed a wide range of topics related to the "multidimensional relationship" between the two nations.
In a post shared on X, Jha had stated, "High Commissioner called on PM @DCRGunawardena. They discussed a wide range of topics pertaining to the multidimensional relationship. Emphasized that centuries-old linkages in #Buddhism is central to the abiding connect between the people of the two countries". On December 22, Santosh Jha, the Indian representative in Sri Lanka, formally submitted his credentials to Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe. He officially took on the role of the Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka on the same day.
In September, the Ministry of External Affairs announced the appointment of Santosh Jha as India's upcoming High Commissioner to Sri Lanka. A member of the 1993 batch of the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Jha had previously served as the Indian ambassador to Belgium. The Ministry of External Affairs highlighted the rich history of intellectual, cultural, religious, and linguistic exchanges spanning over 2500 years, underscoring the enduring relationship between India and Sri Lanka.