CWG'14: Weightlifter Sanjita Bags 1st Gold for India, Mirabai Silver

However, it was the end of road for Manjeet Nandal, who lost his men's -66kg quarter-final bout to English Colin Oates, who picked up a shido just after the first minute but finished it off with an ippon.

 It has been an impressive show by Nandal who won both his bouts (round of 32 and 16) in comprehensive fashion. The 24-year-old from Haryana first beat Malta's Jeremy Saywell by O-Soto-Gari.

Next up, Nandal got the better of Asa Weithers of Barbados. He had a shido in the first minute but also had two waza-ari to seal the bout comprehensively, entering the last eight.

Meerut girl Shivani lost her round of 16 match in the -57kg category as she picked up three consecutive shidos against Canada's Jessica Kimklait.

Indian shuttlers also started their campaign thrashing Ghana 5-0 in Group B of the mixed team event at the Emirates Arena. They next face Uganda later in the day.

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Source: IANS