Cell Phone Towers Cause Health Hazard: Survey

Bangalore: If cell phones are considered as trouble makers causing severe health problems, then a recent report just adds to the trouble heap. As per a recent global report on health risks from exposure to wireless technology radiation, India’s allowed limit for radiation levels from mobile phone towers is 900 times higher than the safe limit of 0.5 milliwatts per square metre, reported Reetika Subramaniam for Hindustan Times.

The report is prepared by 29 independent scientists and health experts from 10 nations which include India, Italy, Sweden, U.S. and Russia. The first edition of the report was released and first published in 2007.

India has lowered the radiation emission limits from mobile phone towers from 4500 milliwatts per square metre to 450 in September 2012, as stated by the report. Even then the levels are very high causing threats to health and well being. The biological effect of the bio-effect of radiation when it touches between 0.03 and 0.5 milliwatts per square metre has been indicated by at least five new studies. The report informed about the ill effects of these radiations and states, “Researchers report headaches, concentration and behavioural problems in children; sleep disturbances, headaches and concentration issues in adults,” as reported by Hindustan Times.

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