Can Anyone Stop Bitcoin Trading?

Can Anyone Stop Bitcoin Trading?

It will probably be something new for you to hear that the most powerful and the largest cryptocurrency ruling all over the globe can ever be stopped. Being a popular digital currency, bitcoins are known for their power and irresistibility when it comes to someone ruling over it. 

Neither it is authorized by legal government or regulation from any third party nor has it ever encountered any event of hacking. Whatever the case may be, many investors find it hard to believe that it is possible to stop bitcoin trading and if it is, then what can be the cause. 

Is There a Possibility of Stopping Bitcoin Trading?

The high sales and never-ending hype of bitcoin also accompany a belief that all bitcoin transactions are safe, secure, and free from middle-men interference. But the recent findings by Bitcoin enthusiasts have concluded to accept the fact that there is a possibility that someone can stop bitcoin trading.

This shows that no matter how secure your bitcoin wallet is, there is a high chance that you are vulnerable to lose all your bitcoin at once or at least portions of it as observed.

As frightening it may sound, the traditional Bitcoin investors who have invested their thousands of dollars in Bitcoin transactions are not feeling miserable enough to reverse them. 

With that being said, here are few more statements, observations, and conclusions that will help you to figure out if there is someone who can stop bitcoin trading. 

  • The most prominent and easy-to-accept reason for interference in bitcoin trading is the recent ban imposed by the US authorities on Bitcoin money exchange. Regardless of their zero control on Bitcoin, they issued a warning for opposing the money-laundering rules while bitcoin trading. 
  • Everyone is well aware of the high volatility of Bitcoin that can make its value go high or low at any time. But, the sudden and unexpected losses of investors in recent times have scared people and made them hold their investments a few times. This became a huge barrier in-between bitcoin trading. 
  • Many splashy trading websites are also the cause of interference in Bitcoin trading. Not only are they a huge risk to the Bitcoin wallets in stealing out all the money but also the reason for major rise and fall in Bitcoin’s price value. This has also influenced many people to exit and enter the crypto market, ultimately impacting Bitcoin trading.
  • Not only Bitcoin means to buy or sell the coin and deposit money in the digital pocket. Instead, it signifies the transfer of your money from various transaction services, one-account to another, security wallets to ensure that the whole process goes smoothly. In between all these movements of your Bitcoin, there’s high susceptibility that it can get lost, misplaced, or even replaced. Bitcoin trading can also be stopped if encountered any of these issues.
  • The last way that could be the reason for a period in bitcoin trading is supply in demand. Daily thousands of bitcoin traders buy a considerable number of Bitcoin depending on the likelihood of a profit. The main issue occurs when Bitcoin slides down to a lower value and everyone jumps over it as it can reach the peak anytime. This ultimately results in one having huge treasures of Bitcoin while the other empty-hand that impacts Bitcoin trading. 


Be it the famous US ban or the hackers who steal all your bitcoin, like every other trading and market, there are lots of factors that can cause a difference in bitcoin trading. 

There is no doubt in the fact that investing in bitcoin is today believed as the best way to generate passive income and make huge assets in less-time but you have to beware of these important matters too and prepare yourself for every scenario. If you’re also trying to invest in bitcoin then don’t delay visiting the Bitcoin Equaliser trading once and know all the secrets one needs to know related to Bitcoin.