APJ Abdul Kalam: Unfolding Interesting Events Of His Life


Being the key person of Indian’s nuclear program in Pokhran, Dr. Kalam took the fictitious name ‘Prithviraj’ and similarly the project was named ‘Shakti’ to elude the human intelligence of CIA and ISI. Apparently In 1998, when project Pokhran IIwas successfully tested in the Pokhran nuclear test range of Indian Army, the whole world was left awe-struck.

A Generous Human Being

Dr. Kalam was not only the people’s President but also a generous human being. Knowing the fact that the Union Government takes care of the President of the nation, as well as all its Ex-Presidents, Dr. Kalam decided to give away all his wealth and life savings towards an institution that works towards providing urban amenities to rural population, during his tenure as President. Apparently, he called up Verghese Kurien the founder of Amul and reportedly said “Now that I have become the President of India, the government is going to look after me till I am living; so what can I do with my savings and salary.”

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