Top 10 Deadliest Earthquakes of All Time

BENGALURU: Nature is the best nurturer of our life but it also claimed so many lives being the destroyer of life as well. No one can predict the nature’s disasters, and once it starts, there is no escape to it, compiles Mostluxuriouslist.

One natural disaster such as an earthquake will destroy the whole nation and leaves no trace of survival in that area. The wound never ends and the painful memory keeps haunting several people who lost their loved ones due to these disasters. The nations will have to take so many precautions and have to start all over again to bring the normal lives of people.

Here is the list of 10 dreadful earthquakes that caused deaths and the damages occurred to them in different countries.

Year: 1995
Richter scale: 6.9
Estimated loss: $100 billion

A very massive earthquake that occurred in Kobe, Japan recorded as 6.9 on the Richter scale killed more than 5000 people in the disaster. Almost 200,000 large buildings were demolished in the earthquake and the nation has to spend billions of money to substantiate the loss of property.

Southern California
Year: 1994
Richter scale: 6.7
Estimated loss: $44 billion

All the places suffered in this disaster were the most populated places in the whole Southern California destructing almost 40,000 buildings. The most damage were caused due to the collapse of the office buildings, crowded places, parking areas, etc.

Central California
Year: 1989
Richter scale: 6.9
Estimated loss: $6 billion

Considered to be the major earthquake in the Central California, it killed almost 63 people, destructing billion worth of properties. Experts claim that this was a severe shock after 1906.

Year: 1976
Richter scale: 7.5
Estimated loss: $655,000

The massive earth quake which was occurred due to some heavy activities in the Pacific Ocean killed almost 250,000 people. It caused major destructions in the country leaving the government in huge crisis, who took a lot of time to recover the loss.

Year: 1970
Richter scale: 7.9
Estimated loss: $500 million

The earthquake hit the whole west part of the South America where Peru lies. It almost killed 66,000 people and the main cause was the huge building that crashed the people to death. Peru’s scientists explained that earthquake came due to slipping of plates of Pacific Ocean.

Year: 1964
Richter scale: 9.2
Estimated loss: $311 million

This earthquake in Alaska is considered as the most severe one in the world as it had lasted for three minutes killing 110 people. The disaster left the government in huge loss of properties and buildings who couldn’t recover from it any sooner.

Southern Chile
Year: 1960
Richter scale: 9.5
Estimated loss: $675 million

Chile faced the strongest earthquake in the whole history of natural disasters and also it lasted for many hours causing land sliding after the earthquake killing almost 5700 people. The damage to the property was estimated to be $675 million in the whole Chile and Alaska as well.

Southern USSR
Year: 1948
Richter scale: 7.3

Ashgabat witnessed the most destructive disaster that killed almost 2/3 of the whole population, which is about 110,000 people. The government took special measures to provide facilities to the families who lost their loved ones in this earthquake and to people who lost their homes in it as well.

San Francisco
Year: 1906
Richter scale: 7.8
Estimated loss: $524 million

San Francisco faced a worst earthquake which came from its Bay area that lasted for a minute. The water from the bay came in along with the earthquake causing more destruction and huge loss. The number of people killed in this disaster are almost 5000 and loss of properties listed in millions.

Year: 1811
Richter scale: 8.0

This is one of the severe earthquakes that almost occurred 200 years ago ruining the complete city. Also the whole property of the country was damaged in it which took years of time to regain and recover from this deadly disaster.
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