Photos of India's Street Kids Captured By Former Street Kid Himself

BANGALORE: Life is indeed unpredictable and this is well proven in the life of 25 year boy Vicky Roy who is now an internationally acclaimed photographer. As an 11-year-old when he first reaches New Delhi, he does not have anyone to call as his own. Roy has had his share of suffering, be it surviving an abusive childhood, living on the streets to meet a living or struggling with his own ego to achieve his artistic potential, reports

Born to abysmally poor parents, Roy was sent to his grandparents' home because they didn't have the money to bring him up. Unfortunately, his grandparents didn't treat him well, and often beat him. In a desperate bid to escape, Roy ran away from his home in Purulia, West Bengal. He landed up at the New Delhi railway station, and did what other street kids there did. He collected empty bottles, re-filled them and sold them to people in second-class compartments. He slept at the station, ate what he could. In winter, when his water didn't sell much, he doubled up as a dishwasher for six months.

Roy’s quintessential journey has touch hearts to many. Paulo Coelho wrote, “Only two things can reveal life’s great secrets: suffering and love.” But, Roy's life was changed when volunteers from the Salaam Baalak Trust (of which filmmaker Mira Nair is a founder) rescued him after being on the streets for six months.

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