Neglected North East: 87 pct of Indian Professionals can't Name all NE States

 Bangalore: A survey conducted by North East India Image Managers reveals a shocking ignorance of professionals about the people in the North East. It is a sad fact that 87 percentages of the working professionals cannot name all the North East states and 53 percentages shared highly negative views of these states. North East issues have been alarming the center especially after the suicide death of 23 year old lady Sangma in Haryana and the murder of Richard Loitam in Bangalore. The present survey will definitely add fuel to the issues relating to the inattention of the North East states.

The survey was conducted on targeted professional from different fields of media that include communication, advertising, public relations, human resources, finance and marketing. These professional were mainly from the major cities of India and they were surveyed through online and direct methods. NEIIM’s group president Abhijit Borah said while releasing the findings "If majority of our respondents didn't know basic facts about the North East, how can a common man know more about the region,"

 “North East India’ is that of “a region riddled with insurgency and most unsafe place in the country” or “people with mongoloid features and weird food habit and an alien culture”, was the responds from some who were interviewed in the survey, as reported in Northeast Today.  Surprisingly 30 percent of professionals don’t prefer to work in North East even if that best suits their career interest. The survey showed how these professionals are preoccupied with some wrong notions and how deeply they are ignorant about North east states.