9 Rich People Who Became Homeless

Houston Mc Tear:

At one time MC Tear was the “world’s fastest human being” and tied the world record running a 100- yard dash in 9.0 while he was still in high school. He tried his hand at boxing and moved to Los Angeles where he was coached under the boxing greats Muhammad Ali and Harold Smith. But his career saw a setback when he fell into drugs and was homeless for three years during the 1980s. He couldn’t escape from drugs and slept for three years on Santa Monica Beach.

The two- time Olympics qualifier was eventually rescued by an older women named Arlene Francis, but in 1993 he married former Swedish sprinter Linda Haglund. He now lives in Sweeden, reports Daily Finance.


Danny Bonaduce:

Danny became famous as a child actor of the 1970s television series The Partridge Family, but the actor soon got involved in drugs and alcohol and was known for his stint in rehabs which eventually made him homelessness as an adult. With no where to go, he lived in his car behind the Gruman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Bonduce, 52, is now married for the third time and works as a drive time DJ in Philadelphia. Danny had several arrests following his Partridge Family days. In 1990, he was arrested while attempting to buy cocaine and in 1991 he was arrested on charges of robbing and beating a prostitute in Phoenix.