8 Facts About Indian Royalty That Definitely Makes Them A Class Apart

Mir Usman Ali Khan:

Mir Usman Ali Khan was the last Nizam to rule the Hyderabad state and also was one among the richest people around the world. Nizam holds the credit of possessing the ‘Jacob Diamond’ until the end of his rule. The ‘Jacob Diamond’, is the fifth largest diamond in the world, which is now owned by the Government of India.

King Jai Singh:

King Jai Singh of Alwar State was officially apologized by the prestigious car maker Rolls Royce. As a payback of his insult by Rolls Royce’s staff in London, Singh bought 3 Rolls Royce cars, which were used to carry city wastes in the Alwar state. Nevertheless, he stopped it, after receiving an apology from the Rolls Royce officials.

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