7 Common Facts about Zika Virus That You Need to Know

How is the Zika virus transmitted?

It is transmitted primarily through mosquito bites and can then be contracted from person to person via blood transfusions and sexual contacts. Mother to child transmission is being suspected considering the characteristics of other vector-borne viruses, but little evidence is available to prove the same in Zika infections. On the other hand, health organizations are encouraging mothers to breastfeed even in the infected zones due to the proven health benefits of breastfeeding.

Is Zika infection curable?

Currently no vaccine is available for the treatment of Zika virus but it can be prevented by taking precautions against mosquito bites, especially while travelling to affected places in the world. If you feel Zika symptoms take plenty of rest and drink surplus of fluids to avoid dehydration. Take paracetamol to relieve from fever but avoid aspirin, NSAIDs and the like. Important of all, consult your doctor.

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