10 Ways to Grow Your Blog Readership

How to Grow Your Blog Audience

Every blogger wants to grow their readership, but not everyone knows how to do it. Competition for online attention is real. How can you stand out from the 600 million other blogs?

The truth is that it’s not easy. Growing your blog readership (let alone learning how to make money blogging) can take a long time. Luckily, there are sites like The Blog Starter that offer helpful advice.

With the right strategies, you could grow your blog readership to thousands or even millions of monthly viewers.

In this article, we’ll dive into ten ways you can start taking your blog audience to the next level. Here they are:

1. Build an email list

To start building a community of blog readers, it helps to collect email addresses from people who’ve shown interest in your blog. This could be people who’ve visited once and submitted their contact information in exchange for a free eBook or even just people you’ve met in person who have expressed interest.

As you grow your email list and build rapport with them, you’ll have more and more people to share your latest blog posts with, which can help increase your blog’s monthly views.

2. Develop a niche

Choosing a niche for your blog is crucial. It lets you focus your writing on a particular subject that you can become an expert in. This can help you attract a targeted audience.

For example, instead of writing about all things health, you could specialize in writing about a particular diet or form of exercise.

If you ever get tired of your niche, you can always add an additional niche later on.

3. Engage your audience

User comments on your blog posts are a major opportunity to engage with readers. Be thoughtful in how you respond to comments and express your gratitude for their readership. Then your readers are more likely to come back for more.

4. Add an intuitive navigation bar

Every blog needs a navigation bar. This includes buttons at the top of the blog with links to different pages. For example, you might have an About page, a Contact page, and a page with all your posts. You may also want to categorize blog posts by topic in an archive section.

Clear navigation buttons help visitors easily find what they’re looking for without getting lost. This helps prevent them from leaving your site out of frustration, lowering your overall bounce rate.

5. Leverage social media

Social media can be a powerful marketing tool. Use it to share your blog posts and reach new readers. You can also integrate social media into your blog by including sharing buttons. That way, readers can share your blog posts with their own networks and spread their reach for you.

6. Perform regular keyword research

You can generate a lot of traffic for your blog with the help of search engines like Google. People search for terms related to your blog every day. If you can create content that ranks for relevant keywords, you can capitalize on some of that traffic (aka: search engine optimization or SEO).

Targeting the right keywords in your blog post topics can also help you know what’s worth writing about. Use a tool like Google’s Keyword Planner to get started.

7. Collaborate with other bloggers

There are probably blogs out there similar to yours. You may be able to partner with the owners of such blogs to collaborate on a joint post and share audiences. This can be a mutually beneficial agreement that allows both of you to grow your readership.

8. Optimize your landing pages

The pages of your website that people tend to see first are called landing pages. These need to be optimized so that they don’t turn people away. This means they should have fast loading speeds, attractive designs, and clear calls to action (CTAs) letting people know where to go next. Experiment with what works best by performing A/B tests.

9. Keep a content calendar

One of the secrets of successful blogs is consistency. Regular posts help motivate readers to follow you. Plus, if you schedule your posts to go live at certain times, readers can know when to expect new content.

There are many tools out there that can help you keep a content calendar and schedule posts.

10. Update old content

Over time, you’ll amass a large archive of blog posts. To keep them fresh, make a habit of going back and updating any outdated information. This helps older blog posts maintain a strong SEO standing. If you neglect old posts, their rankings will slowly drop.

Final thought

Growing your blog readership is a long-term project. But if you follow the steps above and remain patient, you’ll start seeing success. Start today and don’t give up!