10 Stunning Photos Gone Viral In 2012

Chinese Highway House
The Chinese Highway House unique for its location went viral first when posted on the China’s social media, now it has spread worldwide. The house belonged to a 67 year old duck farmer Luo Baogen and his wife. The couple refused to sign the agreement with the authorities allowing them to demolish the house. As a result the authorities built the highway around the house. Luo refused to sign the agreement at first as he was only getting paid $35,000 to move when he has spent $95,000 building the five storey house. Now Luo and his wife have moved and the house is demolished but the picture is worth a million bugs.  

Sedated bear falling out of tree
The Black bear after wandering into the Colorado University campus in Boulder was tranquilized when it was high up in a tree by authorizes. Gladly the tranquilized bear got a soft landing on safety mat when dropped stiff from the tree. The Bear before climbing the 15ft tree scouted the campus for food, he also sauntered the grounds around Boulder for several hours before getting shot by tranquilizer and getting picked by the animal protection officials.

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