10 Strange Rituals Performed in India Even Today

Self Flagellation: Self Flagellation is horrifying ritual performed not only in India, but also in Pakistan and Bangladesh during the occasion of Muharram. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar which marks the anniversary of the battle of Karbala, during which the prophet’s grandson, Hussein Ibn Ali, was killed along with 72 other warriors. To mourn that incident Shi’a Muslims participate in this event and hurt themselves with chains and swords. The chains are attached with razors that cut the naked bodies of the participants. This the way they mourn for the martyrs. During this event of pain, soaked with blood they keep chanting the name of ‘Hussein’.

Timiti/ Walking On Fire: This ritual is performed in the month of October and November to pay tribute to legendary women like Draupadi and Sita from the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana respectively.  Centuries back, both Sita and Draupadi had to walk on fire in order to prove their purity as women and they came out as fresh as flower.

In Timiti, the priest begins the ceremony and male devotees follow him and walk over a pit full of hot burning woods with a water filled pot on his head. The devotees may be both Hindus and non-Hindus.

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