10 Most Advanced Cities In Developing India

Located in the NCR close to Delhi, Gurgaon, is the hi-tech city of Haryana. The city’s success story began when the state government came up with tax policies to draw the companies. The proximity of Gurgaon to Delhi airport is also an added advantage and makes it a favorable city to live in. This industrial nerve center incorporates a big section of the automobile, textile, agricultural and biotech industries.

Capital city of Tamil Nadu, Chennai is the largest southern city. Apart from being an active and eventful port of the country, the city is also making a mark in the tech sector. The IIT aspirant city has contributed highly to the number of engineers, entrepreneurs and highly intellectual citizens in the country. The city also attracts brilliant student to its esteem intuitions. The city maintains a low key at the standard of living yet is successful at delivering high-level performance.

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