10 Extraordinary Personalities With Disabilities

#9 Marla Runyan – 1969
Disability: Blind

Runyan is an American athlete, who became the first legally blind athlete to compete in the Olympics. At the age of nine, she got infected with Stargardt’s Disease, a form of macular degeneration which left her legally blind. She won 4 gold medals in 1992 summer Paralympics, and is a 3 time national champion in the women’s 5000 meters. She also holds various American records such as 20,000 Road, Heptathlon in year 1996, All-female Marathon and much more. Runyan Co-Authored her autobiography ‘No Finish Line: My Life As I See It’ which published in 2001.

#8 Vincent Van Gogh – 1853
Disability: Mental Illness

He was a Dutch painter, whose work, is notable for its beauty, emotions and the usage of bold colors, and is still regarded as one of the greatest painters of all time. His paintings had great impact, which contributed to the foundations of modern art. In his painting career he has produced over 900 paintings and 1100 drawings. Some of his art work is very expensive, his painting on Irises and Portrait of Doctor Gachet sold for $53.9 Million and $82.5 Million respectively.

Van Gogh suffered depression and was later admitted to a psychiatric hospital, but his depression was severe, and he shot himself in the chest.   

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