10 Most Hated Cities Across the Globe

Bangalore: Travelers love going through cities that demonstrates pure beauty, culture and style. These cities are clearly famous for their prosperity and happiness. But every coin has a flipside and in this case- entitled as a hated city. One of the worst things that can happen to a city is being credited as ‘the most hated city’ across the globe. People don’t consider these cities worst, but they absolutely hate them for their indignity, the way they treat their visitors and culture. People often credit these cities as ‘beautiful but in an awful way.’ So with that here’s a list that features top 10 cities that are good at bugging people.

#10 Belize City

Country: Belize

Population: Estimated around 79,600

The largest city in all of Central American nation of Belize, Belize City is located on the coast of Caribbean. Just three hours of flight from the city Dallas, Belize City is famous for its crime, drugs and trafficking. Violence is one of the highlighted taglines of Belize City. This dirty and scammy city is a true nightmare for travelers. Travelers often find kind-hearted locals warning not to wear any jewelry and no to carry all the money in your pockets.