10 Indian Books You Just Can't Miss Reading In 2015

BENGALURU: No one needs an introduction to know about books and book reading. Books are the first form of teachers in imagination and visualization, only then comes the films. Literature is one of the arts that is holding and connecting us with the past, present and future, compiles Quartz.

Recently, Belarusian author-journalist and prose writer Svetlana Alexievich won 2015 Nobel Prize for literature. Considering this as an occasion, why not talk about books and writers. Anybody can write but only some can take us to their world with their writing. India has tons and tons of good writers but not all of them have the fame of Chetan Bhagat and Amish Tripathi.

Here is the list of 10 books by Indian writers that are good to read more than once:

The Heat and Dust Project: The Pilot (Non-fiction)
By Devapriya Roy and Saurav Jha

The Heat and Dust Project is a book on travelling across the country on a very, very tight budget. Devapriya Roy and Saurav Jha travelled all India with not spending 500 a day and they took these experiences to book. Any reader can visualize themselves in the journey while reading it.

A History of India Through Objects (Non-fiction)
By Sudeshna Guha

Sudeshna Guha, a specialist from Cambridge University in the visual histories of South Asian Archeology, curates and connects the dots between selected and famous historical objects to construct a remarkable history of the country.

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