Who Else Wants to Get Rich?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 23:08 IST
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Don't Get Bankrupt By 'Yes'
Who Else Wants to Get Rich?
Alternatively, learn to say 'no'. We don't know how to say 'no', simply because we find it hard to do. We don't want to sound rude. We always want to sound agreeable. We fear that saying 'no' would mean losing out on opportunities. We fear the conflict that comes from saying 'no'. We fear burning bridges by saying 'no'. So if someone advises us a stock to buy, we find it hard to disagree and instead feel indebted to the advisor for his 'precious' advice. What happens next is that we go ahead and buy the stock, without knowing what we are getting into. Change that. Learn to say, "No, I won't!" Learn to say 'no' to investment advice that doesn't meet your needs, and once you do that you'll find how easy it actually is.