Notice from IT Dept? Here's What to Do

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 20:14 IST   |    1 Comments
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2) Check PAN Details

Many a times it happens that the notice gets delivered to another person by mistake. This mistake may arise from a slip-up of the one sending the notice. If more than one person has similar names or PAN details (Date of Birth), this might lead to an error on the part of the one sending the notice. So, it is advised to check the PAN details sent in the notice thoroughly before hitting the panic button. Stick to the PAN details when replying to the IT notice because the PAN details carry the correct information. The details on the envelope may be incorrect at times. IT notices are sent to by PAN details and not names. So, this step is mandatory.

3) Make Copies of Notice

This step might seem redundant or even trivial but is an integral part of the procedure to be followed. When one deals with government matters, the tasks are always paper-work intensive. As one will have to submit the notice and related papers to more than one government official, it is always wise to have photocopies of the documents made. Get coloured printouts in case the black and white ones are unclear. Try and not submit the originals to anyone as this is our firsthand proof of the IT notice. Even if you give them to a lawyer, remember to make many coloured copies of the original but also collect the originals back.