6 Tricks How Malls Make you Shop More

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 04 February 2012, 01:17 IST   |    3 Comments
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5. Never ending SALE: 365 days a year some or the other retail shops will provide summer, winter, season clearing sale and these four letters are more than enough to make you shop more. The feeling that you bought something at its half price feels like an achievement to you though you often miss out the “up to” in the “up to 50 percent” sale. Still ‘sale’ and ‘limited period’ offer attracts people very well. You know that this particular sale is going to last for a month but still the feeling that you may not get a piece of your favourite top will make you shop at an instance.

6. They make you spend more to save more: Nowadays the recent trend is that all major malls and retail industries provide shopping cards likes which looks like just any other credit cards. This card will accumulate reward points for you depending upon how much money you spend on shopping there. Each time you will shop, you will receive points. When you will fetch 100 points then they will provide you some cash back or a discount on your purchase, which is a very small amount in comparison of the money till date you shopped from them. This way they make you shop more fools you by saying you will save more.