5 Tips to Save Money on Fuel

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 01 September 2011, 01:25 IST
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Bangalore: You enjoy going on road trips with your friends, but hike in the fuel cost has dampen your mood to drive long distances. Everyone around the world is feeling the pinch of higher oil prices, and in most countries governments are doing little to help us out by reducing tax. Every time you go to the fuel station you need to be aware of how much fuel you are using in your vehicle, in order to save a little money in your pocket. Saving money on fuel has become increasingly important. Here are few ways you can save money on fuel Slow Down
5 Tips to Save Money on Fuel
It's a proven fact that driving fast will decrease the efficiency of your car's engine. Drive slowly and smoothly. The aim while driving should be to avoid the need to brake sharply. The less speed you gain in the first place the less you will need to lose. Speeding up every short road and then coming to a near stop is inefficient and often dangerous. Basically below 40mph, your engine only has to overcome the rolling resistance, but above that, every extra mph costs you.

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