Ways To Use Social Media Insights And Create Buzz

“There’s an old saying that there’s no such thing as bad publicity – all you need are a lot of people talking about you, whether good or bad. Our research shows that idea is not necessarily true. Not all buzz is good for business and bad buzz hurts. But the good news is that companies can combat bad buzz through clever market entry and targeted advertising." said Venkataraman.

One reason that earlier researchers found quantity (the number of people commenting about a movie on social media) mattered more than valence (the rating viewers gave it) was that they drew their conclusion from national-level aggregate data that masked many interesting features, Venkataraman discovered. When he and his colleagues broke the data down into local markets, which are quite heterogeneous, they saw that the viewers’ ratings – not the volume of the ratings – had more effect on first-day box office performance than in later-release markets.

Furthermore, the researchers state that the quantity lies with the people’s feedback rather than the rating from viewers. The culmination extracted from national-level collective data disclosed diverse findings that were simplified into a variation in local markets.

“When we were deciding on a movie, smartphone, vacation destination or a shiny new automobile, we never counted the number of people who talked about it and didn’t read every single post. We glanced through the first few and cared more about what people said about the product and whether their opinions varied.”

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