Top 9 Most Expensive Cities in the World


Sydney (Australia)

Cost of 1 kg bread: $4.96 (314)

Cost of 1 liter petrol: $1.43 (90)

Sydney is more expensive than much bigger cities like New York, London and Hong Kong in a variety of areas including tax, business occupancy costs, rental expenses and the internet. The second city from Australia to be ranked among expensive cities, Melbourne ranks high on education, entertainment, healthcare, research and tourism. 


Melbourne (Australia)

Cost of 1 kg bread: $4.22 (267)

Cost of 1 liter petrol: $1.42 (90)

Melbourne may bask in the title of the world's most livable city, but it comes at a price. The latest global cost-of-living ranks Melbourne as the world's sixth most expensive city. It remains a more affordable city to live in than Sydney, but only slightly. The long-term rise in the relative cost of living in Australia, driven by sustained strengthening of the Australian dollar, has cemented the positions of cities like Sydney and Melbourne as top ten cities to live in.

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